Sample Lesson

1. Job Function Test Delivery Intro

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This course is primarily video-based, with most of the content delivered through video lectures for each lesson. To earn a certificate of completion, you must pass three quizzes throughout the course. After watching each video, please read the accompanying text and review any additional materials provided.

After watching the video with each lesson, scroll to the bottom and hit “Next Lesson” to complete each section.

We hope you enjoy your Independent Learning!


      Thank you for purchasing the fourth course in the independent learning series! We are excited to share this highly successful approach, to help you in your work as it relates to maintaining a healthy, safe and productive workforce by avoiding injuries in the workplace and effectively managing return to work when employees have been injured or ill.

      People are the most important asset to business success. The last thing any company wants is injuries and disability that is preventable with the right approach.

Job Function Test Design

a. Introduction

In this course you will learn:

    • The necessary steps to deliver legally compliant testing services
    • The policies and procedures behind testing used for:
      – Assisting employers with hiring and placing employees
      – Assisting with Return to Work either post injury or illness
      – Assisting when Disability and Accommodation questions need to be answered
    • The concepts behind Job Function Matching in both Testing as well as Non-Testing Scenarios
    • We will also be studying how to score a Job Function Test based on the research behind the Kinesiophysical Testing Method
b. Flowchart
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