Job Function Analysis & Job Function Description Development

Independent Learning is Here!

The DSI Job Function Analysis & Job Function Description Development course has everything you need to be able to create the documents that help protect employees and employers in the workplace

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Purchase now to unlock all 16 in-depth lessons that are easy to follow, interactive, and professionally designed.

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Experienced Instructor

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Industry Leading Work Injury Prevention & Injury Management System

Job Function Analysis

A straight-forward yet in depth process to procure the objective information needed.

Job Function Matching

Comparing an individuals physical ability to the job requirements whenever needed.​

Job Function Description

A document that describes the physical nature of work that is easy to understand.

Ergonomic Safety Opportunities

Situations apparent from the analysis needing further investigation to reduce risk of injury.

Job Function Testing

Job related physical testing based on a validated Job Function Description.

Functional Capacity Assessment​

A broad range physical test that identifies an individuals full range of work ability.


Learning can go at your own pace and you have the ability to review the material as much as you want. With DSI you will have access to an expert Instructor throughout the coursework when you need it. 

In this course you will learn to perform a Job Function Analysis, develop a Job Function Description™ and Ergonomic Opportunity Report, and create the documentation necessary for validation and legal defensibility. 

You will learn in detail how to use DSI’s Job Function Matching® Software to create these documents efficiently and with less margin for error. 

This course is taught by the CEO of DSI Work Solutions herself, Virginia “Ginnie” Halling. An expert with over 25 years of experience in Work Injury Management & Prevention. She has taught courses on this subject throughout the United States and Canada. 

When you purchase the course, you will have access to the first lesson.

The entire course becomes available on October 24th, 2022 at 8:00am EST.

You can visit our “Contact” page and fill out the form to get in touch, or call us at 270-245-1000 to speak to someone in person during business hours! (8-5p.m. Central Time, Monday to Friday)

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Before you go, enjoy a free preview of our Independent Learning course on us! Simply enter your email and name and you’ll receive an email to set a password and gain access to a Job Function Matching preview course.

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To find out more about DSI Work Solutions, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!