Companies that Dare to Be Different

It's time to recognize a fundamental truth: while workers’ comp insurers are paid by your company to protect your company’s interests in work injury management and prevention, their primary focus is on their own interests

Own Your Destiny in Work Injury Management

It’s time to recognize a fundamental truth: while workers’ comp insurers are paid by your company to protect your company’s interests in work injury management and prevention, their primary focus is on their own interests. And they’ve been quite successful at that! The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) reports that the Workers’ Compensation industry experienced another profitable year in 2023, marking a decade of consecutive gains.

For companies facing significant work injury challenges, the reality is stark. Insurers may drop you, or premiums could skyrocket. Companies often must switch insurers in search of better rates, leaving safety initiatives tied to the previous insurer in limbo. This reactive state is not where you or your company want to be.

Occupational Health providers present a similar challenge. They manage injuries, from the initial visit through all necessary follow-ups, and aim to return employees to work swiftly while avoiding unnecessary OSHA recordables. However, without precise job information, conservative measures prevail, and work restrictions become the default, in order to protect both the employee and the medical provider.

Other non- occupational medical providers and specialists are usually not focused on (nor are they interested in focusing on) their patient’s employment. Nor do they consider its importance to their patients or the companies that employ them. Furthermore, research shows that prolonged time away from work rapidly leads to job loss. Therefore it is critically important that stay-at-work/return-to-work initiatives be meticulously and objectively managed.

Exhibit A: JFD of a Forklift Operator

Take Control: Own Your Documentation

Companies can and should prepare to interact effectively with insurers and occupational health/medical providers, as well as internally among management (Human Resources, Safety, Supervisors) and employees. Safety and injury prevention initiatives, employee retention, and injury management systems can all be supported to a higher degree of success with internally managed documentation such as the job function based description (Exhibit A)

The Power of Function-Based Descriptions

The documentation described here focuses on the physical aspects of the job. These are derived from a physical demands analysis. Often, companies say, “Our insurance company does that for us” or “Our occupational health provider does that for us.” While it is beneficial to have the assistance of these professionals, your company should ultimately own and manage this documentation. Whether created by internal staff or with external help, the company must thoroughly understand the process and all its potential uses (Exhibit B).

Efforts should be focused where they’re most needed. One company may need to manage stay-at-work/return-to-work processes to reduce work-related injuries. Another might focus on better recruiting and onboarding to stabilize short-tenure turnover. Others may aim to keep an aging workforce viable and safe. Function-based descriptions, including physical demands, enhance all these efforts.

Exhibit B: JFMS Flowchart

Exhibit B: Effective Communication is Key

The most crucial feature of this documentation is the level of communication it facilitates. The absence of effective communication has reduced efficiency and increased costs since workers’ compensation insurance began in the 1960’s. Implementing this communication system has been shown to reduce workers’ compensation costs (direct and non-direct), improve safety initiatives, enhance productivity, and reduce employee turnover. Investment in this training and resources is critical. The safest, most injury-free companies have also been known to implement these processes to manage their success proactively.

Challenge the Status Quo

If your company isn’t here yet, ask why not? Success should not hinge on insurers and healthcare professionals who prioritize their survival over your company’s. You can learn a system that accomplishes the successes discussed here. Visit to learn more. For a more in-depth discussion on this process, read the series on Job Function Matching in this newsletter.

To Your Success!

To your company’s success, and to your own! Embrace the challenge, own your destiny, and be the professional that dares to be different.


Picture of Virginia "Ginnie" Halling

Virginia "Ginnie" Halling

Ginnie is a Physical Therapist who spent more time preventing injuries than treating them. She uses the methods being taught here to save companies substantial amounts of money while helping them keep their valuable employees safe, healthy, and productive. As a byproduct of this success, she has spent the last decade teaching others to do the same.

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