Job Analysis & Documentation


Job Analysis Consulting Services

Our experts perform Job Analysis & Design Documentation with you, while Online Courses train your team efficiently with full support.

A Team is performing a Job Function Analysis. There is a woman creating the Job Documentation with it.

Job Analysis Consulting

Comprehensive Analysis, Custom Documentation, Ongoing Support

Staff Training & Development

Equip Your Team, Enhance Efficiency, Access Independent Learning

Expert Guidance Every Step

Initial Analysis to Ongoing Improvement, Your Success is Our Priority

Overwhelmed by Job Analysis?

Let Us Simplify It for You.

Our tailored Job Analysis and Documentation process is designed to remove the hassle and time burden. With support, your team gains the expertise needed for precision and compliance, paving the way for immediate improvement and long-term success.

Step 1.

Customize Your Plan

Start with a focused consultation that outlines specific Job Analysis objectives. Together we’ll develop a strategy that fits your company’s unique challenges and goals.

Step 2.

Train and Collaborate

Take our comprehensive courses while working side-by-side with our experts to perform a Job Analysis and design documentation for your business needs.

Step 3.

Implement and Succeed

With our support, confidently implement the new strategies. Stay connected with a network of providers for ongoing success.

Guidance from Ginnie & Our Team of Experts

Meet Ginnie Marshall, CEO of DSI Work Solutions. With her extensive background as a Physical Therapist and over two decades of experience, Ginnie excels in simplifying Job Analysis and documentation processes. Her team at DSI Work Solutions ensures that the methodologies taught are practical and directly applicable, enabling teams to achieve tangible success.

A picture of Ginnie Marshal, PT & CEO of DSI Work Solutions.

What comes with

Job Analysis Consulting Services?

Develop Your Strategic Plan

Collaborate with experts to tailor a job analysis strategy that aligns with your business objectives and workforce needs.

Train Your Team

Access engaging online courses designed to upskill your staff in job analysis methodologies and documentation practices.

Conduct the Job Analysis

Benefit from hands-on guidance as our professionals work alongside your team to accurately analyze job functions.

Design the Documentation

Receive clear, comprehensive job descriptions and analysis documents that meet industry standards.

Launch Your Customized Plan

Implement your tailored job analysis and documentation strategy with our expert support to ensure a smooth rollout.

Monitor & Adjust for Success

Leverage ongoing evaluation and feedback mechanisms to refine your processes and maintain optimal performance.

Benefits of DSI's Job Analysis Process

Shared Outcomes

DSI's Job Function Matching System

Weathershield Manufacturing

Sanford Employee Health Services

Customer Testimonials

“My overall satisfaction comes from the local hands on resources that both ARI (a local provider) and DSI allow me. It is imperative that I have for my employees the knowledge, skills, and dedication both groups deliver – in order for me to provide the tools and resources to perform their jobs safely, while producing a quality part.”

Century Aluminum –
Health & Safety Manager

“Your expertise and training were wonderful.  So often we get consultants, and it seems we are doing more work than they are; not so in your case. The relationship we have developed is critical to our future success and I am sure we will continue to work together.”

Anonymous –
Implemented JFMS

“Managers reported high satisfaction with information regarding the functions that an employee can and can’t do, as well as high satisfaction with job modification recommendations.”

Eisenhower Medical Center, CA –
Managers Report

Guesswork Can Get You Into Trouble,

Job Analysis Delivers the Facts

Protect your business from the setbacks of inaccurate information due to a lack of job analysis. Our comprehensive training and support equips your team with the knowledge to efficiently produce accurate documentation, ensuring compliance.

Be a Leader

Get Results

Improve Lives

Empower Your Team for Greater Success

Equip your staff with the skills and knowledge to confidently manage work injuries and prevention.

Become a Trusted Leader in Injury Prevention

Utilize our training and support to improve safety and gain the trust of managers, employees and their families.

Reduce Work Injuries and Lower Costs

The Industry Standard is a 6 to 1 Return on Investment in Work Injury Prevention Initiatives. DSI does that and more.

Request a Meeting

After you submit this form, you can schedule a call to speak with an expert member of our team. These calls are short and casual. We want to make sure we know your business needs.

Access Sample Analysis

Gain access to two sample Job Analysis Documents, for a CNA as well as a Forklift Operator.

Request a Meeting

Get to know what DSI can offer your team. Schedule a guided personalized walkthrough of our system with one of our experts.

We will get in touch to book your appointment!

Let us guide you through the heart and soul of our system.

See our systems in use, inside our brand new Independent Learning courses, go through our state of the art Instruction Manual, take a tour of our Software, and more.

Discuss your challenges and receive instant feedback to your questions

Before you go....

Try our Independent Learning - FREE!

Before you go, enjoy a free preview of our Independent Learning course on us! Simply enter your email and name and you’ll receive an email to set a password and gain access to a Job Function Matching preview course.

Existing Account Registration

If you already have an account and are logged in, you may enter your registration code in the box below.

This will enroll you in all courses and products that the code is for. 

You can access them from your “My Account” page.

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New Account Registration

If you have received a code and need to make a new account, please fill out the information below and type the code into the appropriate box.

This will make a new account for you and enroll you in all courses and products that the code is for.

You can access them from your “My Account” page.

We're here for you

To find out more about DSI Work Solutions, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!