Harnessing DSI Work Solutions Job Function Matching® System to Prevent Disability Discrimination: A Guide for Businesses

Harnessing DSI Work Solutions Job Function Matching® System
Harnessing DSI Work Solutions Job Function Matching® System

Navigating the legal landscape of workplace disability discrimination can be daunting. This has been underscored by a recent lawsuit involving Red Barchetta LLC, a Holiday Inn Express & Suites franchisee, which highlighted the urgency for businesses to establish and enforce comprehensive policies against disability discrimination. This is where DSI Work Solutions’ Job Function Matching® System (JFM) comes into play, offering practical tools and strategies to avoid such pitfalls. This is accomplished by accurate documentation of the essential functions and physical demands of jobs, and then consistently using these standards with decision making relative to hiring, return to work and disability accommodation.

JFM is the centerpiece of DSI’s strategy which has been promoted since its inception in 2013. Because of JFM’s objectivity, it is naturally at the forefront of creating fair and inclusive work environments. JFM provides a roadmap for businesses to proactively prevent workplace disability discrimination. JFM not only mitigates the risk of potential litigation- it also promotes a productive, safe work environment.

JFM has the ability to provide a detailed analysis of an employee or job candidate’s functional capabilities by evaluating their ability to safely and proficiently perform the essential job functions. JFM ensures that each assessment is individualized, and when necessary, considers any necessary accommodations for the employee’s specific condition.

Take the example of the Red Barchetta case, where an employee with COPD and asthma was allegedly dismissed due to her disability. A comprehensive system like JFM would have provided an objective assessment of her ability to perform her duties, with necessary accommodations, perhaps avoiding an unfortunate dismissal and subsequent legal repercussions.

DSI can provide critical ADA-related decision-making training to management personnel, promoting an inclusive culture where disability does not hinder opportunities. This proactive approach helps your team recognize and accommodate the needs of employees, thus creating a fair and supportive work environment. Companies have consistently reported that JFM results in improved morale for both managers and employees.

DSI offers both training in JFM and ongoing consultation services to assist companies with ADA compliance. DSI helps businesses maintain their commitment to workplace equality. The training and support DSI offers can assist companies with adapting to changes in an employee’s health status, which leads to meeting legal obligations related to the ADA and other EEOC requirements.

Incorporating DSI’s services not only helps protect your business from potential discrimination lawsuits but also enhances your brand’s reputation as an inclusive employer. Moreover, with this approach, DSI helps employers retain experienced, valuable employees by helping to stabilize the workforce while at the same time avoiding  unintended discriminatory actions against those employees dealing with health challenges. Click here to view our exclusive video and learn how  JFM can help your business avoid Disability Discrimination.

In the wake of this recent ruling, the importance of creating an ADA-compliant environment is as evident as ever. DSI Work Solutions, with its comprehensive Job Function Matching® approach to preventing disability discrimination, stands ready to guide your business toward a more inclusive and legally compliant future.


Picture of Virginia "Ginnie" Halling

Virginia "Ginnie" Halling

Ginnie is a Physical Therapist who spent more time preventing injuries than treating them. She uses the methods being taught here to save companies substantial amounts of money while helping them keep their valuable employees safe, healthy, and productive. As a byproduct of this success, she has spent the last decade teaching others to do the same.

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