Job Function Test Design & Delivery
Welcome to the Job Function Test & Delivery Independent Learning Page
Now Available!
Purchase now to unlock two full length courses, all 18 in-depth lessons plus two assignments, and 3 exams.
Course Description
When you purchase this bundle you will immediately have access to both the Job Function Test Design and the Job Function Test Delivery courses. Take a look at what each course offers by clicking on the tabs below.
Job Function Test Design
This course is the critical second step in the work injury prevention and work injury management process. You will learn to design the Job Function Test based on content validity principles that meet EEOC validity requirements. You will see examples as well as practice the skills needed for the design process.
Once this course is complete you will be able to design a Job Function Test for both clinic based and on-site in industry based testing, and prepare for Job Function Test validation.
You will learn in detail how to use DSI’s Job Function Matching® Software to create these documents efficiently and with less margin for error.
- Create documents that are trusted- Learn a method that includes the expertise of skilled employees and therefore earns support.
- Review the various uses of Job Function Testing- See how Job Function Testing supports hiring, return to work, and managing disability when necessary.
- Review an example of the development of a Job Function Test- Follow the process from reviewing a Job Function Description to the final Job Function Test Design.
- Review common tools and equipment used in Job Function Testings- See a live demonstration of these tools and equipment and how how a test can be designed implementing them.
- Explore Job Function Test Design in the clinic and workplace setting- Learn how different environments impact Job Function Test Design.
- Watch a Job Function Test being designed from start to finish- Observe an expert as they walk through the test design process.
- Observe the test being demonstrated- Watch a client as they perform the test that has been designed in a clinical setting.
- Observe a streamlined documentation process- Learn how to enter information into the Job Function Matching Software to create streamlined documents.
- Learn the critical Job Function Test Validation Process- This step is necessary to ensure test accuracy and legal compliance.
- Practice designing two different Job Function Tests- Work from two different examples which will be reviewed later and receive feedback.
- Reach out to your DSI contact with questions along the way- We know you may have questions and we look forward assuring that you’re getting all the information you need as you learn from this course.
These 2 hours of course video are made to be easy to follow along with to understand the critical steps in Job Function Test Design
Interactive quizzes with supportive documentation to ensure your learning experience is complete.
This course manual is the complete guide to the information presented. It is an interactive document you can download and view, or print if desired, to follow along with the lectures.
Worksheets include:
- Job Function Description Examples
- Job Function Test Examples
- Validation Form Examples
- Other references materials
Easily download and save your certificate for your continuing education needs.
In this Job Function Matching Community you will be able to interact with fellow professionals and high level experts in the field.
This course requires the Job Function Matching Software to complete.
To enroll in this course, you must have completed:
Job Function Analysis & Job Function Description Development
Job Function Test Delivery
This course is the critical fourth step in the work injury prevention and work injury management process. You will learn to deliver a Job Function Test based on content validity principles that meet EEOC validity requirements. You will see examples as well as practice the skills needed for the testing process.
Once this course is complete you will understand how to deliver Job Function Testing in both Hiring and Return to Work after injury or illness situations.
You will learn in detail how to the highly researched Kinesiophysical method to assure Safe & Reliable testing and scoring.
- Explore the different situations in which Job Function Testing takes place- Focus on Post-Offer of Employment and Return to Work scenarios.
- Review Provider and Employer policies needed to be compliant with current legislation- Assure compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and the EEOC.
- Learn the most common scenarios in which Post-Offer testing takes place- Physician driven and non-Physician driven approaches.
- Become familiar with the testing sequence and documentation- Understand the difference between medical and work related documents.
- Learn the methodology used in Return to Work testing- Critical importance of timing for successful outcomes.
- Learn the Job Function Matching Process- The gold standard in Return to Work; eliminates unnecessary costs by focusing on steps that will facilitate getting individuals back to their jobs.
- Understand how Job Function Matching is used for Temporary Work Placement- Explore recovery duty, transitional duty, and job coaching methods.
- Learn the Testing Methods that have been proven to be reliable through research- How to use the Kinesiophysical approach that is focused on safe and controlled activity.
- Learn to apply the Kinesiophysical observation criteria- Includes how to advance an individual through testing and when a test should stop.
- Review policies and procedures that should be in place- To assure safe and consistent testing for all individuals.
- Observe a comprehensive video covering common physical testing examples- Learn how to advance individuals during testing and when to stop a test.
- See actual examples of individuals in testing- Review examples of individuals in testing both with and without interference of a medical condition.
- Observe a Post-Offer of Employment Job Function Test- Including history, physical exam, and Job Function Test.
These four and a half hours of course video are packed with information in an easy to follow format.
This course manual is the complete guide to the information presented. It is an interactive document you can download and view, or print if desired, to follow along with the lectures.
Worksheets include:
- Job Function Description Examples
- Job Function Test Examples
- Validation Form Examples
- Other references materials
Easily download and save your certificate for your continuing education needs.
In this Job Function Matching Community you will be able to interact with fellow professionals and high level experts in the field.
This course requires the Job Function Matching Software to complete.
To enroll in this course, you must have completed:
Job Function Analysis & Job Function Description Development
Course Content
Course Features:
- Detailed Videos
- Self-paced Learning
- Courses That Are Easy to Navigate
- Progress Checkpoints and Personalized Dashboard
- Resume Courses from Any Desktop or Mobile Device
- External Resources Provided Within Courses
- Evaluations and Assessments
- Print Your Certificate at Any Time After Completion
- Use Coupons During Checkout!

- 2 Hours of On-Demand Video
- Downloadable Resources
- 6 Months Access to Course
- Learn From Anywhere
- 4 Credit Hours
- 2 Assignments
- 1 Exam
- Certification Upon Completion