Job Function Analysis & Description Development

Independent Learning Course 2

Course Description

This course is the critical first step in the work injury prevention and work injury management process. You will learn the progression that leads to the development of the Job Function Description™, Ergonomic Opportunities Report, and the steps necessary to ensure that this important documentation meets EEOC validity requirements.

Once this course is complete you will be able to perform a Job Function Analysis, develop a Job Function Description™ and Ergonomic Opportunity Report, and create the documentation necessary for validation and legal defensibility.

You will learn in detail how to use DSI’s Job Function Matching® Software to create these documents efficiently and with less margin for error.

What you'll learn

Create documents that are trusted- Learn a method that includes the expertise of skilled employees and therefore earns support.

Join us for an on-site Job Function Analysis- Observe the interaction between a Job Analyst and an Employee as a complete Job Function Analysis is performed.

Prepare for a successful Job Analysis- The steps to take that ensure you can perform an expedient and thorough Job Analysis.

Learn the language that is common in these documents- The common terminology used to describe the physical demands of work are defined for you.

Learn about equipment options for gathering data- Objective measurement requires tools and equipment that are used properly.

Perform a video-based Job Analysis- Walkthrough all the steps necessary to perform an on-site Job Analysis. A comprehensive video example is presented.

Identify pertinent data for a Job Function Description- Continue the process from the Video Analysis using your professional skills and knowledge along with the expertise of the employees to identify critical information for the Job Function Description.

Create easy to understand Job Function Descriptions using software- Observe the process of converting Job Analysis Data into a Job Function Description. This a detailed look at the use of the Job Function Matching® Software in action.

Follow a legally defensible validation process- Proof that the documentation is accurate includes review by skilled employees, as case law has proven. DSI’s validation process has been challenged and successfully defended in a court of law.

Create Ergonomic Opportunity Reports- A combination of skilled employees and the expertise of the evaluator can identify areas that need further ergonomic investigation.

Learn different Job Function Description formats commonly used- See video examples and documents of jobs that have unique documentation requirements you’re likely to encounter.

Included with Purchase:

These 5 hours of course video are packed with real world demonstrations, step by step guides to completing a Job Function Analysis, Job Function Description, and an Ergonomic Opportunity Report.



Interactive quizzes with supportive documentation to ensure your learning experience is complete.


This course manual is the complete guide to the information presented. It is an interactive document you can download and view, or print if desired, to follow along with the lectures. 

Worksheets include:

  • Data Collection Sheets
  • Job Function Description Examples
  • Ergonomic Opportunity Examples
  • Validation Form Examples
  • Other references materials


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In this Job Function Matching Community you will be able to interact with fellow professionals and high level experts in the field.

Once the course is concluded, you can contact DSI directly to set up your subscription to the Job Function Matching® Software.

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Job Function Analysis & Description Development




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